Two CASA Volunteers have been sworn-in so far in 2012 to serve Brooke and Hancock abused and neglected children.
Fred Saluga and Matthew Stromeyer, both local residents, took their oath with Judge Fred Fox.

A Child’s Place CASA, Ltd.’s mission is to develop volunteers who will stand up for abused and neglected children in court, helping to expedite their placement into safe, permanent, nurturing homes.

A Child’s Place CASA, Ltd. is serving 49 children today. CASA Volunteers review records, research information and talk to everyone involved in a child’s life and then present their recommendation to the court as to what they feel is in the best interest of the child. When a child has a Court Appointed Special Advocate to speak for them; time in dependent care is reduced and delinquency is less likely.

For more information about how you can make a difference in the life of an abused and neglected child in Brooke & Hancock Counties contact A Child’s Place CASA, Ltd. (304) 737-4444 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or